Miss a week or want to see what we have been up to? Check out our recent presentations and messages.
Season 1: Relationships -
How can we build stronger relationships with those around us? We all have struggles with coworkers, spouses, families, and children. What does the bible teach us about the way that God designed us to have relationships, and how can we apply it to modern life?
Season 2: Community -
Community and a sense of “Tribe” is integral to how we as humans interact and thrive. During this season of The Harbor we will focus on understanding the importance of and developing a tribe of like-minded men that drive an impact on our various communities we are a part of.
recent messages
SEASON 4: 4 Disciplines of the Heart | Phil Eubank
Join the Harbor Men for Phil's impactful talk on Rest. Fresh off a retreat for Pastors in Montana, Phil shares on the importance of rest in our lives and where, we as men can find rest in our crazy lives we lead.
Season 3: moving from stalled to called | phil eubank
Eastern Hills Community Church Senior Pastor, Phil EuBank, takes us through the 5 stages of vision. Phil challenges us to think of where we seem to find ourselves getting stuck and acknowledging those areas so we can build up our faith and push through. Phil uses the story of Peter walking on water to illustrate each stage and how Jesus is there to meet us where we are at in our current season and move us on.
Season 3: fathers and fatherhood | tom yozwa
Tom Yozwa talks to us about the responsibility we have as fathers to shape the next generation of fathers. To shape our children in a positive way we need to understand how our father's shaped us and how we can take the positives and not allow the negative things to define us as fathers going forward.
Season 3: Get OUt Of The Boat | JD Shaver
JD delivers a motivating talk this week encouraging us to get out of the boat! If we want to be men of action, it requires getting outside our comfort zones and getting our feet wet. As men of action we should pursue risk, fear and discomfort, because that is were our growth lies.
Season 3: enneagram | david orcutt
David walks us through a detailed overview of the Enneagram personality model. David gives us his personal experience with using the Enneagram model to help understand his desires and fears and how knowing these traits can help him build better relationships and communicate with others more effectively. He challenged all of us to figure out our personality type and use that as a roadmap for personal development.
Season 3: Connected | Nate Stillwell
Nate gives an inspired talk about being connected. He shares his story about connecting with God and the Holy Spirit that has helped provide him direction and improved connection with who he is and his relationships. Connectedness provides clarity and direction for us to be able to take intentional action.
Season 3: Men of action | nick blair
Nick kicks off Season 3: Men of Action by asking, do you have a plan to accomplish your goals in 2020? It’s time to ditch the meaningless resolutions and pipe dreams for realistic goals that are authentic and fulfilling. Your legacy is being written whether you like it or not. How do you want 2020 to impact your legacy?